Blogging in E minor
Usually just a bunch of silly crap.

How I Met My Muse, Part VII: Blogjump

Back to 2009 (it gets a little tricky here!)

Becoming reacquainted with Maria, now known as Stargirl, was both gratifying and exhausting. Communicating via Facebook’s instant messenger gave the whole experience an unreal quality, as if we were speaking across time via some digital, high-tech telegraph. I was undergoing a sense of temporal ambiguity as the result of this faceless reunion, living in two time periods simultaneously.

            Although I had exorcised most of the demons from the more turbulent periods in my past, I was beginning to realize the significance of this important crossroads in my life. Much of my future would be affected by those few months back in 1979, I would soon discover.

            Significant also is the fact that in 2009, I had a daughter about to enter high school. In a remarkable twist of irony, our family had been visiting Catholic high schools at about the same time all this business had been dredged up. I was experiencing life from the dual perspectives of a 14-year-old rebel AND the father of a 14-year-old girl. Yes, this was all very confusing, indeed!

            Yet, temporal joyride aside, there remained some unfinished business. 

            Over the years, on the rare occasions when this regrettable Maria incident would resurface into conscious memory, I would picture her face at that awful moment of heartbreak so many decades ago. Admittedly, I had handled the situation horribly, and was determined to set things right, the best I could, if I ever got the chance. . . .

Caution!  It gets really weird now.  Do not be frightened! Please bear with the initial confusion and read on, for it will all make sense in the end.

                                      ** Click HERE for Blogjump NOW! **

One Response to “How I Met My Muse, Part VII: Blogjump”

  1. Love this, you have talent! Thanks for keeping me entertaining & waiting on the edge of my seat for the next blog.

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